Mommy Regrets Checking Phone During “Red Light/Green Light” Game


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Neighbors are outraged at a tragic accident involving some Lil’ Ones, a series of rose bushes, and a game of “Red Light/Green Light” gone wrong.

“Why wouldn’t you call a red light in that situation?” angry neighbor and Konner’s Mommy Sarah exclaimed loudly to Jaxen’s Mommy Melissa who was administrating the game while sending photos to the other Mommy’s who entrusted their Lil’ One to Jaxen’s Mommy Melissa.

“It is pretty clear that they were running in rose bushes! Look! You sent this to me!” Konner’s Mommy Sarah exclaimed producing a picture of Konner being whipped in the face by a rose branch disturbed by the other children.  “I mean, thanks for the pictures and everything, but were you even paying attention??”

“Where are they anyway?”

A ghostly look came over Jaxen’s Mommy Melissa.

She never called for a red light.

“Okay.  I may or may not have never called for a red light.  I can’t remember.  I was editing photos and looked up and they were gone.  I assumed they got bored and were doing other things.  That was only about 30 minutes ago, though.  They can’t be that far away!” as the two Mommy’s began frantically running around the neighborhood.

Panic quickly subsided when it was discovered that the children were 4 houses away running repeatedly into a newly constructed wood fence at the house of George and Nancy Schmidt who do not presently hold a Mommy or Daddy status.

The two worried women quickly ran to the children who looked a little battered but were in otherwise good health.  

“Can we have a red-light yet Mommy?” a distraught Konner asked pitifully. 

“Well??” Konner’s Mommy said as she looked over at Jaxen’s Mommy Melissa, clearly angry but not wanting to usurp authority over the game.

“Haven’t they been through enough???”

“Of course, sweety.” Jaxen’s Mommy finally conceded after posting another photo and looking up from her phone again.

“Red light. Go home with your Mommy.”

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