So You Accidentally Put The Wrong F**king Flag On Your Twitter Profile…

North Korea Flag2

Harriet McCarthy (Contributor)

Hey ladies! It is soooo difficult to keep up with all of those trends when it comes to your Twitter profile, am I right?  There are just so many good causes to support!  One moment there is that Black Lives Matter thing, which is super important that we support justice stuff I know, but then we are doing something for the Asians, some country gets attacked by Russia, and like one million other things!

Okay, I know. It is not really a whole million but I think you get my point.  It is at least 10-15 for sure! The ABSOLUTE WORST is when you run out of room on that area where you put the flags and stuff, don’t you think? 

When Russia attacked Ukraine, I thought to myself and I said, and I quote, “self, I think this is really wrong, and that bitch Rylee’s Mommy Kate already somehow has a real flag, so you are late to this party and you have to deal with that, but there is still something you can do, am I right?”  So I went to Twitter and tried to add the Ukraine flag but did not have any available room to add it. I had to make a decision to either not support Ukraine, or not support something else that is super important.

So I would like to first of all say I am SUPER sorry to the Asian community for removing the thing for “Stop Asian Hate” and replacing it with the Ukraine flag.  In no way does this mean that I no longer support that movement.  But Russia attacking Ukraine is new and is super important too, as are all of the other issues. I just ran out of room.

Okay, so I initially tried to add the Ukraine flag, but was feeling super tired.  I think I was feeling bad for deleting the “Stop Asian Hate” thing and in my brain may have accidentally picked the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea instead.  At least that is what it turned out to be.  Then I did a tweet about how important it is that we save democracy then went to bed.

Not Remotely Similar

I knew something did not quite look right, but so many flags look the same.  I bet you didn’t know this, but there is a country in Africa with a flag that sort of looks like the United States of America where I live.  It is called Liberia. 

I know this because my first comment came from a Liberian person who said, and I quote “Are you f*cking stupid or something? You support North Korea you dumb bitch?”  He literally had a flag from his own country in his profile which, long story short, was Liberia.

I paid a heavy price for this and had to issue a video apology on my Gram.  I lost at least 30 followers in like a single night. 

So what should you do if you accidentally put the wrong flag on your Twitter profile? Is there a good way to fix this?  Well you know I made that mistake so hopefully these tips help.

  1.  Don’t Panic: When I noticed I put a flag supporting North Korea on my profile, I did not immediately take it down.  I did some research because there was maybe something good going on there I could spin.  Fun fact, there is not, but it was worth 10 minutes of my time to check. 
  2. Immediately take the offending flag down after researching and hope that no one noticed.  But just in case they did, issue an apology on a different platform explaining the mistake.
  3. Start a charity to build back some of that good will.  For my North Korea flag debacle, I decided to start a charity to send 100 lucky North Korean orphans a new iPad!
  4. Realize that it is not the end of the world. Sure, you may have to really go after Kim Jung Un who is the horrible dictator of North Korea for a while, but it will eventually blow over.

Anyway ladies, hopefully one day we don’t need to put flag on our Twitter profile, am I right?  How wonderful would that world be because then people would just chill the f*ck out if you pick stupid North Korea instead of Ukraine!  Oh, and North Korea, if I was a horrible dictator of a country, I would not call it the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea! Seems like there is some false advertising going on there. Just sayin’!

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