Breaking News: Genius Mommy Stock Picker Frustrated Hubby Still Questions Hot Stock Tips

Stock picker

Palo Alto, CA

Genius stock picker, and Alexandra, Paul, and Nancy’s Mommy Nancy Pelosi is reportedly frustrated that Hubby, and Daddy to the aforementioned children, is still questioning her stock picking abilities.  Despite having a track record of recommending stocks that would make most on Wall Street salivate, her Hubby will still periodically question her abilities.

Here is an example” Alexandra, Paul, and Nancy’s Mommy Nancy Pelosi began.

I come home and say ‘Hey Paul.  Have you looked at the Microsoft dip? I have a feeling that it is not going to last very long.  In fact, I am guessing that it is probably going to rise 5% this Friday.  Do you know what he said to me??

He said, and I quote ‘you are probably right, but I don’t know.  It is between them and Apple for a huge government contract, and right now people are thinking it will be Apple.  That is why it is dipping.’

In the last 40 years I have made hundreds of stock picks and you know what? Every single one of them panned out, and he still questions me? Is he stupid or something?”

We asked Alexandra, Paul, and Nancy’s Daddy Paul Pelosi the question if he was stupid, or something.  What we found out was a little surprising:

Okay I am going to be honest.  It freaks me out a little bit.  One time she said ‘buy Intel at 11:34 EST even if it looks like it is tanking’ and sure enough, it rose 10% in like 30 minutes.  I have no idea how she does it!  It is almost like she knows what is going to happen before it does.  So occasionally I will push back because I am no slouch at picking stocks.  But at the end of the day, she is right. I have drained many a bottle trying to figure that one out.  As far as I can tell she is just gifted? I don’t know how else to explain it.”

We asked if why he would pick his own stocks when Alexandra, Paul, and Nancy’s Mommy Nancy Pelosi was such an amazing stock picker?

There is a funny story about that.  One time I called her and said ‘guess what? I just bought 10,000 shares of Lockheed Martin!’ and she lost her shit.   She then asked if I could sell it, and I said no because the purchase hadn’t even settled yet.  Sure enough, I pulled up the stock and they lost some sort of government contract and the stock was taking a beating.  Thank God news came out later that day that they got a portion of the contract back at the last minute and I didn’t lose my shirt!  Better lucky than good, I guess.

I think I was just trying to show her that I was good at this too?  I am no stock picking genius like her, but I am not the worst at it either.  Turns out I was just a little early on the Lockheed pick too.  After that they got like 10 huge government contracts in the next 2 months and the stock did really well. So at least that is an example that ol’ Paul here knows a thing or two about picking stocks!

So yeah…I will probably buy Microsoft even though the rest of the market seems to think that Apple will win that contract.  I tend to agree with the market on this one too.  But as they say, happy wife/happy life.  And let’s be honest.  She is probably right again!

Alexandra, Paul and Nancy’s Mommy Nancy Pelosi walked in while he was finishing his statement.  He didn’t notice her and jumped in his seat when she abruptly said, and I quote, “Oh course I am right. At 9:35 AM this Friday I strongly suspect that it will be announced that Microsoft won the contract.  Count on it” before walking out of the room.

Do you see what I mean?” Paul finally managed to quietly say.  Then he leaned closer to whisper “How could she possibly know any of this, and be so exact?? It is freaky!

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