So Your Child’s Continued Good Health Is Really F’ing Up Your Blog Views…

by: Mommy Jen
(Mommy Blog Owner)
Hey ladies! Some of you have written me about how fortunate you have been to share your Lil’ One’s illness with the entire world! We all can only imagine how difficult it is to manage a blog AND have a sick Lil’ One that you are taking care of. You are truly heroes!
But I have also heard some blog horror stories of what can happen if suddenly your Lil’ One miraculously gets better! I mean, that really came out wrong. Of course we are all happy that your Lil’ One defied all odds, and without any scientific explanation, just became better! You are too I am sure.
But it can really make writing about your child’s illness tough to do, and when that happens then you are going to lose viewers. I don’t make the rules, because if I did, you would all be out of business!
And by saying that I mean I would outlaw everything that makes our Lil’ Ones feel icky. But I can’t get my Hubby to pick up his stinky socks by making rules, no less cure a horrible disease! I hope that it was clear that I was making a joke there. Anyway…
Well if this is you, then you have come to the right place! My Lil’ One Tommy Pants got really sick about 5 years ago. They doctors could not figure out what was going on.
Then one day one of them asked him “what did you eat this week?” Well as it turns out, he had a mild peanut allergy and those PB&J were not doing him one bit of good. But for the longest time, there were some very scary moments.
But then I got a eureka moment! There HAD to be someone out there interested in what I could write about this! So I started my very first sickness blog. I quickly built up a following of 500,000 Mommies and things were looking great!
But then once we identified that pesky allergy, he got better almost overnight! All we had to do was have him avoid peanuts and he felt great. The miracle is that they finally figured it out. It was such a mixed blessing because my views fell off a cliff, but I am happy he is feeling better.
So here are a few tips if you find yourself in a similar situation. The first thing to realize is that miracles happen! I don’t know how else to say this. But before you decide to close shop on your blog, remember that shit happens too.
You will want to still post articles occasionally, and if by some unfortunate fluke your Lil’ One starts feeling bad again, you won’t need to reinvent the wheel. And if this does not happen, then you had a good run and can honestly say that you tried everything.
Secondly, you should always remember that a sickness blog can always been turned into a getting better blog. We have an amazing medical industry in this country. They are constantly finding new ways to make all sorts of people better. So why not write about that instead? I am sure there are all types of people who would relate!

But suppose that your Lil’ One somehow miraculously got better, and there is nothing you can say that you, or modern medicine did. It is truely beyond yours, or anyone else’s, understanding of how this happened and even the doctors are shaking their heads.
Then what can you do? I am afraid that the answer is, and I quote, “not a lot, really…”
Sure you may squeeze out one or two articles after an unexcepted gift from the Gods, but even that seems like a stretch. Sometimes you just have to take the bad with the truely miraculous and move on.
I know that many of you don’t want to hear this truth right now.
But keep this in mind: There is no shame in knowing when to hang it up on a particular subject. You had an amazing opportunity land in your lap, and you did the very best you could with it. Hold your head up high, and move on to something else with your dignity intact! Oh, and I also wish continued good health to your Lil’ One and all of that too.
Hope this helps!