Turn Your Panties Into Hard Cold Cash While Saving The Environment!
By: Hillary Smith
Hey ladies! It absolutely breaks my heart when me and my lil’ one go to a store. Invariably he will say this, and I quote, “Mommy! Can I have candy bar??” Then I have to explain “sorry sweety, your Daddy is doing the best he can, but money is tight at the moment!”
It makes me even sadder when I see him playing with the toys at the salon like they are the best thing ever! It is just one of those toys with the wires and balls. It is not like it is even anything that fun, like the X-box we will probably never be able to afford.
That is until I got the underwear companies panicking by using this one simple trick.
Okay not really. That was just me making a joke. LOL!
But as they say ladies, and I quote, “if there is a will then you can do it!”, or something like that.
Anyway, I stumbled on a great way to make some extra money while helping the environment, and all that you have to do is regular Mommy things!
There is a website called www.craigslist.com where you can sell all types of things that your hubby no longer needs. But get this! You can also sell certain things that you own too. And just for the record, I am not affiliated with craigslist in any way. I did inquire about it, but they just said “how do you propose we do affiliate marketing for a classifieds site?” I don’t know all of that technical mumbo jumbo anyway. Back to the story.
I know we all have old clothes that we like to donate to charity. But you never want to donate your old underwear, because that is like SUPER embarrassing. Plus you have to wash and fold them, and who has time for that? At the most they end up in a rag bucket for when it is time to do some spring cleaning!
Well long story short, there is a whole group of stay at home Daddies and other men (and yes ladies, that is a real thing) who will pay top dollar for your used underwear! I know right? Crazy town!
I assume that they wash them up, put them in a bag, and then drop them off at the Goodwill for you. I mean, why else would anyone want another person’s underwear! Duh!
But here is the best part! These men will pay you way more than you paid for them. I am not even joking! Do you want an example?
Just last week, I sold a pair of old panties that I only wear for Mommy/Daddy time (because who wants to ruin a clean pair of underwear for that right?) for like $50!
I asked if I should wash them first, and this kind man replied, and I quote, “absolutely not! The dirtier the better!” How sweet! I guess he will need to wash them anyway, so there is no point in washing them twice. Thus this saves the environment because washing gets cut down by like half.
So how I did this was super easy. I looked at this www.craigslist.com and there are bunches of posts from people looking for used underwear. All that you need to do is email them, and wait for further instructions. Last week I was asked to leave them in a changing room at my local Walmart. Sure enough I walk into the changing room and there is a hand that came up from under the divider with a crisp $50 bill. I handed him my panties and was on my way.
And here is the best part! With that $50 I was able to buy 3 more pairs of brand new underwear. If I sell 2 of those back, that is like $100.
Do you see where this is going ladies? It is like a money making machine and I get to save the environment at the same time!
I know right?
So if you are looking for a way to make some extra money, keep this in mind. And if you are a little bigger in the britches then don’t worry. Some of the advertisements specifically said they want panties from BBW, which I found out means “Big Beautiful Women”. So just as long as you take the time to dress nice and put on a little makeup then you are golden!
Take care ladies!