Facebook Reportedly “Working Fine” Despite Apparent Anomalous Lack of Interest In Weight Loss Journey Update

Scottsbluff, NE
Despite repeated assurances from the social media giant that “everything seems to be working fine on our end”, weight loss aficionado and stay at home Mommy, Taysom’s Mommy Olivia is not buying it.
“They tell me everything is fine, but I posted my most important milestone on my weight loss journey to date, and it is almost like no one cares! I know for fact that this is not the case!” a skeptical Taysom’s Mommy Olivia stated.
“Ever since I started my weight loss journey, I have made it pretty clear that clearing 200 pounds by July was my goal. Well guess what? I did it! And then naturally I posted something about it a few hours ago and so far only have 3 likes and 1 “You are beautiful” comment! Are you serious Facebook?”
We reached out to the social media giant for comment. While a spokesperson was not made available, they did release a formal response to the allegation that the system is not functioning properly:
“We were alerted to a possible system issue due to the lack of responsiveness to a weight loss journey post. In response, we verified that our servers are indeed running correctly, and that storage limits are well below any threshold in which we would normally be concerned.
While we understand that lack of interest in a particular post may be perceived to be some sort of a system issue, we also understand that other circumstances may also be a factor, such as a real possibility that interest in a particular topic will wane over time.”
Not convinced, weight loss aficionado and Taysom’s Mommy Olivia doubled down on her assertion that “Facebook is down”.
“Look. My weight loss journey started on January 30th. When I announced that I was going on this journey I got at least 15 Likes and 10 “You are beautiful” comments in the 1st few hours. 1 month later I posted that I had already lost 10 pounds and that got 10+ likes and a bunch of questions such as “How did you do it?” At that time I also got at least 8 “you are beautiful” and 3 “you go girl” comments.
It inspired me to inspire others, so I posted weekly updates after that. Sure enough, Facebook started slowly crashing at around this time because every week after that I have gotten hardly any Likes at all! So I let them know each time it happened and all they would ever say is “everything looks fine on our end”. It is such bullshit! Well, I am under 200 pounds finally and hardly no one knows about it I guess! Thanks for ruining this milestone for me Facebook.”
In response Facebook shortly released the following guidelines for users to monitor for, and generate, needed Likes:
1.) Refreshing your Facebook does not produce unseen Likes to your post. Our systems are processing Likes in real time. If a user hits the Like button, you will be notified almost immediately. It should also be noted that checking your phone often will also not produce more Likes.
2.) If a post does not receive Likes, it does not mean it is a bad post. It is more likely that your friends don’t have the time to Like or comment at the moment, and you should not worry about this in the least. It also does not mean that we are experiencing system outages. It especially does not mean this so give it a day or so before calling us.
3.) Write about a variety of subjects. If people only experience reading about one or two topics from our users, they are likely to lose interest from others over time. It is just human nature and at this time, the algorithm can only perform based upon Likes and other activity.
It should be noted that we are planning to develop a metric to gauge the level of disinterest in a given post, but this is still in development and there are no updates at this time.
4.) The best way to receive Likes is to Like what others have posted. While not all of these may be as exciting as, say, a weight loss journey, a person is more likely to like your post if you also like theirs.
At the time of publication, Facebook did not offer further clarification but did write “You go girl!!!” on Taysom’s Mommy Olivia’s timeline in an apparent attempt to smooth over any tensions, and to also demonstrate that the system was working properly.