4th Mimosa 1 Mimosa Too Many
Janice Mortenson (Contributor)
Fargo, ND
I am presently live blogging crouched in a booth and am reporting on something that totally just like happened! My friend Braylee’s Mommy Julie just drank like her 4th Mimosa and is totally shit faced drunk. Right now she just told our waitress how much she loved her, and then turned around and started crying about her hubby saying she wanted a divorce, then called and told him how much she adored him. It is a fucking train-wreck.
Oh..ohhh…and Kaitlin’s Mommy Kendra just took her phone away from her and Braylee’s Mommy Julie is screaming “I am going to send him a dick pic that’s not his so give me my phone!!” and then broke a glass on the table and started crying again. Oh shit I have an update, it looks like the manager is coming over. He is here. One sec. I need to wait until he is done speaking. Oh okay. He just said and I quote “Is there anything wrong Ma’am?” Then she started saying and I also quote “I will tell you what’s wro..!” and then when she got half way through the word “wrong” she puked. OMG. Oh, some of it got in her hair too! That poor thing! Someone should really help her! I would help but she also just called me, and I quote “some nosey cunt whore who never shuts the hell up!” I mean, I get the occasional drunken restaurant meltdown because we have all been there once or twice, but that is just rude! I am so NOT calling her an Uber! Run over a bunch of orphans and see if I care bitch!! Rude!